© 2008 - 2025 | Bart Cosijn Moderation | English

Bart Cosijn Moderation

Bart Cosijn Moderation

Bart Cosijn is a professional moderator from The Netherlands with over thirteen years of experience. His motto is: ‘Talking is silver, being heard is golden’.

He is specialised in moderating public dialogues, debates and group sessions. Bart gives courses in moderating and he coaches facilitators. He also advises local governments and NGOs on citizens’ participation and co-creation.

Bart works in different countries in Europe and overseas. He is a member of the Dutch Moderators Association and the Dutch Union of Journalists.

In 2014 he initiated the first Citizens’ Assembly in the city of Amsterdam and is currently chair of the board. He lives with his family in Tallinn, Estonia.


Moderating and Facilitating

  • Moderating debates and dialogues
  • Facilitating and leading conferences

Democracy and Participation

  • Concepts for deliberative democracy
  • Advising on event-architecture
  • Training moderators
  • Coaching community facilitators

Portfolio (selection)

European Union Citizens Dialogue

On behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation I acted as moderator at a Citizens Dialogue with participants from five different countries. People from Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands discussed three themes: social, digital and global Europe. The dialogue was held in The Hague and Rotterdam.

Citizens Dialogue the Hague

For the City of The Hague I regularly moderate Citizens Dialogues. People come together to discuss topics like safety, income, energy, public space, loneliness, housing etc. The dialogues are structured around two aspects: short presentations by citizens and experts, and rond table dialogues to analyse and deepen specific topics.

What can we do about loneliness?

When Bep de Bruin was found dead in her Rotterdam home after 10 years, the city was in shock. No one had missed her. How could this happen? Director Stella van Voorst van Beest and Basalt Film made a documentary about what can be done to prevent this. I moderated a neighbor conversation after the screening.

Public discussions in Rotterdam

In Rotterdam the harbour is moving out of the city. This means that many areas are step by stap transforming form industrial to mixed areas: residential, commercial and cultural. The M4H district is one of them and is called Makers District Rotterdam. Over the past two year I have been moderating a series of fifteen public events, discussing the implications of this change, for local entrepreneurs, for citizens initiatives, for nature, culture and economy.

Citizens Summit Flevoland

On behalf of the Provincie of Flevoland I was projectleader and developer of the first provincial Citizens Summit in The Netherlands. In october 2017 over one hundred inhabitants came together do discuss the future of their living environment. The results were presented at the Provincial Parliament. For this project I collaborated with DuneWorks and Periklesinstituut.

Citizens Assembly Amsterdam

In June 2015 250 Amsterdammers came together during the first Citizens Assembly Amsterdam (Burgertop Amsterdam). On this day, participants discussed topics and drafted an agenda for the city. The Assembly was organized by a group of independent volunteers. I initiated this Assembly, together with Yvette Jeuken. We were concerned about the functioning of local democracy and the low turnout in elections.


On the Art of Moderating

In this booklet I share my insights into the art of moderating, based on ten years’ experience.

I hope it provides you with inspiration. A great deal of what I can tell you has been given to me by my teachers, my students, my colleagues and by the participants of the dialogues, debates, conferences, community consultations, and participation processes that I have moderated over the years. I am grateful to all of them.


Bart Cosijn Moderation

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

phone: +31 (0) 10 – 230 8498
email: mail@bartcosijn.nl
twitter: @bartcosijn

office: Het Industriegebouw, Rotterdam

Spreken is zilver, gehoord worden is goud

Talking is silver, being heard is golden

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